Enlightening Meet Up on April 23
How do you meditate? How do you dream? How is your energy flowing? Let's meet and get to know each other and learn from one another in...

Nurturing Your Heart Create Greater Capacity to Love and Be Loved
Now more than ever, we need to keep reminding ourselves to focus on love and compassion, to reject being affected by negative emotions...

Free Your Spirit at QIGONG HAPPY HOUR!
It's been a challenging time. I learned a great lessons that the energy of the society does affect us, each human being in many levels....

New Regular Classes near UW/Ravenna
It's getting cold. Holiday season is near. Time to warm up and energize your body and spirit while calming your mind. How? I just started...

Special workshop on Saturday, Oct.29
Hope you are doing well. I'm holding a special workshop on bio-energy training on Saturday, Oct.29 near UW that you or your friends...

Talk on Spiritual Hygiene
I am talking as a guest speaker on Sunday September 4 at the Interfaith Community Sanctuary in Ballard. I'll show you cleansing Qigong...

Healing Lyre in Blyth Park
I went to the IQ&IM picnic in Blyth Park in Bothell on July 16. While there, I had the chance to work with the healing lyre on a number...

Beginning of a New Adventure
Wow! It has been a busy but exciting time in these few months since moving back to Seattle from Japan. The past couple of months have...